Everything Kieks

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

Write It Out!

Write It Out!

How writing out my thoughts has helped me.

Over the past few years when I am overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions, especially if my thoughts begin to cause anxiety and mood changes, I will grab my journal or a pen and paper and begin to write it out. I mean pages filled with random thoughts and emotions.

What I have found over the years is that more times than not, while the thoughts are in my head, they seem much bigger that what they really are, and sometimes my thoughts are not always my reality. Writing has also been a great way to organize my thoughts before having hard or emotional conversations.

I also use writing as a way to talk to God. You know those people that can say the best prayers at the drop of a dime with no hesitation? Yea I am not that person lol, so I sometimes write my prayers out and get the answers I need.

When I started to do these years ago I had not heard of the term Writing Therapy and did not know that it was recommended by therapist for patients with anxiety and depression all I knew is that it felt good to get it out of my head and on the paper. Now that I know I too suffer with anxiety and depression this is now a vital part of my mental health care.

Joan Didion- writer and Journalist said, “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.”

What is Writing Therapy

Writing therapy involves putting your thoughts and feelings on paper instead of saying them out loud. It can take many forms. You may prefer writing in a journal with a pen, or you may be more comfortable typing on a computer. The format doesn’t matter as much as the ideas you express and explore.

Writing therapy can be done on your own time. You might write every morning when you wake up or each night before bed. It gives you a chance to reflect on where you are mentally. It also allows you to vent or express gratitude.

Benefits of Writing for me Personally

  • Getting Closer to God -Writing out my prayer has helped to get closer to God because the way to build a relationship with God is through prayer. I also have evidence of answer prayers I may have forgotten about but it is there for me to go back and see.
  • Journaling/writing helped me to see myself as an outsider looking in, the darkness the sadness and the way I did not Love and care for myself.
  • It has helped me to release anger without lashing out and hurting others.
  • It has helped my anxiety; anxiety can make you feel like you are on a downward spiral of negativity writing it our helps me to see that what I am thinking is not my reality getting it out on paper helps me to see it for what it is.
  • Writing helps me to take accountability for my part in things.
  • Helps me to have hard conversation productively.
  • Helped me to face and let go of my past traumas.
  • Writing my blog and sharing my thoughts helps me and every once in a while, someone who feels like I do.

“I write because it makes me feel like someone is listening . or am I finally listening to myself” -Unknown

How to Start Therapeutic Writing

  • 5 minute gratitude journal is a good way to start writing down your thoughts and feelings
  • Carve out time a few days a week
  • Figure out what method works for you. (journal writing, typing in you notes on your phone, start your own personal blog) There is no right way to do this find what works for you.
  • Find a quiet place to be alone with your thoughts, hence away from them kids!
  • Be honest with yourself -remember this is for you do not edit yourself or your feelings.

Have you ever tried writing therapy? Would you try writing therapy? How do you think it would benefit you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Thanks for reading, and happy writing!



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I’m Kieshaun

aka Kieks

Welcome to my online journal where I share everything! My journey through life, love, mental health battles, relationships, spirituality, fitness, beauty and travel with personal stories, thoughts, and lessons.

My hope is that by sharing my experiences and lessons openly, others will know that they are not alone and hopefully I can learn from others too.

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